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You've Been Invited To Take The $100k in 100 Days Challenge

How Would You Like Us To Hold Your Hand As You Scale To $100k+/yr in 100 Days or Less

Even If You've Never Broken 6-Figures In Annual Sales Before!!!

...The Best Part is You Don't Pay a Hefty Coaching Fee, You Pay Based On Cash That Goes Into Your Bank Account!

Keep Reading to Find Out The Crazy Reason Why...

I Know it sounds crazy...

...$100k in 100 Days & Only Pay When You Get Real Results & Revenue?!

Just hear me out for a few short minutes...

You and I both know that there are 1000s of experts who provide a 1/10th of the support you do, and are making 10x the income you're making.

Why is that?

The short answer is they're following a proven process, which they most likely invested $10,000s with a coach to get; or they did it the hard way, spending the last decade figuring it out.

You may even be like many experts we've helped that put $30,000 or $40,000 on a credit card (racking up debt) to pay a marketing firm who promised the world, had a guarantee and then disappeared off the face of the planet after they took your money.

But let's face it, in today's market, with the way the world is you don't have the luxury to invest that kind of money without a guarantee or take a decade to figure it out yourself.

Which is why I want to give you my EXACT SYSTEM to scale any high-ticket offer from 'Idea to $100k/yr'

And the best part is you will be able to do it all in under 100 days...

I know that sounds crazy, especially if you've been at this for a while and seen so many others fail where you're about to succeed.

Yet, I've Used This Exact Same Process Dozens of Times to Make $100k to $300k in Annual Recurring Revenue In Under 100 Days...


In July & August of 2022, I used this process to launch a mastermind and added about $200k in Annual Recurring Revenue, and collected about $33k CASH in the Bank...


In January of 2022, with a brand new startup business that does Airbnb Management, collecting $24k and adding $150k in Annual Recurring Revenue from 3 Airbnbs...


In September of 2021 I was wired $120k for putting one deal together...


In February of 2021 I was wired $25k + I got 20% of both of the company...


In August & September of 2021, I cash collected $18k and added $13k/mo to my revenue...


In 2020 I scaled a consulting company to $300k/yr in 90 days, a coaching program to 6-Figures a year, and helped a few dozen people learn my process to scale to 6-figures....

These are just the examples I have DURING The pandemic, I can go on and on with examples from 2014 to 2019.

I've Also Used This Exact Process to Help 18+ Companies Scale from 'Idea to 7+ & 8+ Figures' with a Single Funnel!

I use to do this FOR my clients, then in 2019 my former business partner and I split - my agency closed down and I had to figure out what I wanted to do.

I was speaking to my coach, Coach Kevin (who now coaches our clients), and asked him for some advice and direction.

Coach Kevin saw how I've easily been able to scale brand new offers from $0 to $100k-$300k/yr in 100 days or less.


He reminded me how I was able to scale a co-branded offer with a client of mine from 'idea to $120k/yr' in just 9 long days - to be fair we already had the list so it made it easy.

And recommended I create a coaching program.

So, In 2020, I launched my 'Launch Funnel Secrets: 100k in 100 Days' Challenge!

We walked members step-by-step through the process of going from idea to $100k/yr in 100 days, and helped students collect $10k to $75k CASH IN THE BANK in their first 100 days.

Then helped them to scale to $25k-$50k/mo within 12 months.

While I love helping people scale, I decided to launch Funneltopia® and go full force with it.

So, at the end of 2020 I decided to close the program and locked the training in my vault... Until Now!

Let's Get YOU Scaling to $100k/yr (or more) In The Next 100 Days

It's your turn to build your business to 6+ Figures per year!

I know it works, I know that if you follow the process you can get the results too.

Here's the 4 things that you'll need to do to scale your offer to 6+ figures a year...

High Ticket Offer

✅ You'll need to have (or create) a High Ticket offer that's at least $1,000/mo for no less than 3 months, Though it'll ideally be a $10k+/yr offer.

Drive Targeted Traffic (Free and/or Paid)

✅ You will be driving 1000+ targeted qualified clicks per month using traffic strategies we give you throughout the program.

Follow-up With Your Leads

✅ You also agree to follow-up with the leads you get using our recommended follow-up strategies.

Follow The '$100k in 100 Days' Process

✅ You'll complete each training module and do the 1 to 2 hours of work each day for 100 days. When you need help you will ask for help from the community, attend our weekly group coaching calls, OR get on a 'Get-It-Done' coaching call with our team to make the appropriate adjustments to the funnel.

Here's what will happen if you keep doing what you've been doing...

❌ You'll keep spinning your wheels with "busy work" that doesn't actually make you any money

❌ You'll keep "trying new things" that don't work long term, jumping from tactic to tactic wasting years you could have been successful

❌ You'll continue to rely on unpredictable traffic sources, always hoping that next referral will come up

❌ You'll keep hiding behind the computer screen hoping that you'll be able to sell your high ticket offer without having to talk to anyone

❌ You'll spend months building a webinar, only to get a few dozen people to register each week you do it live and have to do it for a year straight before gaining significant traction

❌ You keep telling yourself if you're persistent you're gonna get there. But you know you're not getting there...it's been years...

❌ Feeling that blistering disappointment every time December roles around. You realize you're in the same place you were last year.

❌ Burn up years of your life getting on 20 different social media platforms, stuck in the purgatory of making $3-5k/mo, and every year telling yourself that this is the year you're finally going to break the six figure mark.

❌ You'll never know where you're actually struggling in your business and what needs the time and attention to grow it to 6+ figures

I know, because I’ve had to deal with all of these...

The reality is that every single client we've ever worked with that was under 6-figures was dealing with at least one, if not all of these, challenges.

I don't want you to have to deal with any of these, which is why I created this program in the first place

And it's also why I'm re-opening the program to personally coach you and give you all of the resources you'll need to be able to succeed in scaling your business to multiple 6+ figures.

But I'm sure you're wondering... How Much Will I Have to Invest?

Funneltopia Software:

You'll have to pay for a year of Funneltopia to get started. With this you'll get the platform, some additional training, tech support, basically everything you need to succeed with my signature 'Launch Funnel Secrets' process.


You pay me nothing up front until you get results! We then do a revenue share on everything else until you're at $100k/mo in PROFITS!

Marketing & Sales:

In the beginning you'll probably do everything organic, but eventually you'll need to run ads, hire sales reps and appointment setters, do email, sms, and phone campaigns, use the Conversational AI Booking Bot and more. Depending on what you're doing will depend on how much you'll invest here.

Now it's your time to invest in yourself, spend the next 100 days working on your business, and finally scale to 6+ figures in annual recurring revenue.

Game On!

The Funnel Gamer

Hawk Mikado


We're Giving Away $100,000/yr in Prizes

How do you play?

It's simple really, just follow the directions & drive traffic to your funnel.

How do you win?

There are 3 prizes per period. One for the most leads, one for the most sales calls, one for the most sales.

When do you win & how much?

$7,800 in weekly prizes + $7,200 in monthly prizes + $7,000 in quarterly prizes + $78,000 in annual prizes

= $100,000/yr in Prizes!

What Are You Waiting For?


We're Giving Away $100,000/yr in Prizes

How do you play?

It's simple really, just follow the directions & drive traffic to your funnel.

How do you win?

There are 3 prizes per period. One for the most leads, one for the most sales calls, one for the most sales.

When do you win & how much?

$7,800 in weekly prizes + $7,200 in monthly prizes + $7,000 in quarterly prizes + $78,000 in annual prizes

= $100,000/yr in Prizes!

What Are You Waiting For?

Here's What You'll Learn and Implement When You Join The $100k in 100 Days With Guaranteed Results Or Pay Nothing

The Next Thing™

Assessing Your Business

Focus On Strategy Over Tactics

Capture Your COLD Audience

Message To Market Fit

Crafting Your Offer

Attracting Your Audience

Building Relationship and Trust

Process Report Sales Page

Converting You Leads

Delivering On Value

Retaining & Upgrading Clients

Total Value: $100,000+

Plus To Help Ensure Your Success

Bonus 1

12 Months to our All-In-One Funnel Software

(Value: $495+/mo)

Get The Exact Software We Use to Run Over a Dozen of Our Own & Our Clients 6, 7 & 8+ Figure Companies. It’s Meant to be the Only Software You’ll Ever Need To Successfully Run Your Sales & Marketing

Bonus 2

Get-It-Done Funneltopia® Jumpstart Call

(Value: $495+)

The hardest part is getting started and getting set up. That's why we're giving you a Jump Start onboarding call to help you create direction for what you need to do and have our team get all of your technology integrated LIVE on a call with you.

Bonus 3

Unlimited Zoom Support & Weekly Coaching

(Value: $297+/wk)

As you implement and as you grow your business you'll have questions, that's why when you join today you'll get FREE & UNLIMITED Access to our team for zoom support and you can attend weekly coaching calls with our team.

Bonus 4

Funneltopia® Community & Email Support

(Priceless Value)

We have brought together a community of people who are ready to scale to $100k and experiencing a lot of the same challenges that you are. Instead of creating these shifts in a silo we want to feel like you have not only our support but support of other people that “gets it”.

Bonus 5

Funneltopia’s EPIC Training, SOP & Swipes Vault

(Priceless Value)

Get Access to our Training Vault with everything from writing copy, to growing your list, to following-up, to running ads, and more! You'll get LIFETIME Access to All Of This Content!

Total 12 Month Value: $121,879

Here's What Other Are Saying About

'Launch Funnel Secrets: 100k In 100 Days'

Apply To Scale Your Business to 6-Figures!

Meet With Hawk

Have a Quick Exploration Call with Hawk Mikado

20 Mins

Looking For The Action Guide?

Here's What Other Are Saying About Funneltopia’s Training Programs

One of the things that he taught us actually helped me double my opt-ins overnight! I actually launched a funnel, I have a live funnel and I'm in the middle of doing a live webinar now." Sharon Horne-Ellstrom - Business Apps
“The Awesome thing about this Program is that it’s impossible not to get something finished, It’s not an educational program, it’s a Do something program." Jared and Nichole Stull - Improv Training
"Get the Message out there, fully automated so you don’t have to do anything and help you engage people on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, all social media."  John DeWitt - Chiropractor

Um... I'm not sure why you still didn't Apply!?

Here's The Truth About People Who Came Here Looking For A Solution But Decided They're 'Not Ready'


The truth about this program

Other than the setup and software, The investment in yourself is just 1-2 hours a day for the next 100 to create $100,000+/yr in income. Anyone who is on this page and isn’t making $100k and isn’t willing to make this small financial and time investment will probably never get to the $100k mark

The truth about their business

They have an expensive hobby that’s really meant to stroke their ego and allows them to “complain” about how “busy” they are and how little money they are making to friends and family, while their biggest competitors are making 10x more and doing 10x less.

The truth about their Brand

They think they need to have a professionally designed logo that makes up their brand when in reality the brand is made up of their message and how they deliver what they do. They waste time on the parts of the brand that really don’t matter.

The truth about their Offer

They keep hiding behind the computer screen hoping that they’ll be able to sell their high ticket offer without having to talk to anyone when in reality the most important and urgent thing they can do to scale is have sales conversations that convert.

The truth about their Pricing

They are under pricing and low balling their offers and devaluing their products and services so that people don’t want to buy because either it seems to good to be true or they think that the person making the offer is desperate. When in reality if they charged a premium for their offer it would be far more appealing to their audience.

The truth about their Network

They are running in the same circles with the same people thinking that it will help grow their network. They are focused on a referral network rather than growing a network of partners that can get them access to 100s or 1000s of people rather than 10 people.

The truth about their Audience

They think they can help everyone with everything when the reality is they need to pick one thing to help specific people with in a specific area of their lives.

The truth about their Marketing

They are doing things in their marketing that don’t actually work or make them money. All the social media, blogging, podcasting, spending hours on their funnel with sending any traffic to it.

The truth about their Traffic

The little traffic that they get comes from referrals or are just tire kickers and not real potential customers that are even interested. And they are terrified to spend any money on paid traffic.

The truth about their Funnel

They spend hundreds if not thousands of hours building and perfecting their funnel and after sending 20 people to their offer when no buys they think the funnel didn’t work when the reality is they didn’t send enough traffic through the funnel to know if it worked or not.

The truth about their Lead Flow

Their lead flow is sporadic at best and they have a “throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks mentality” and are unwilling to use paid methods to ensure that the lead flow stays consistent. When in reality they need to have a strategic approach to their lead flow from several different sources.

The truth about their Follow-up

They are sending emails every now and again expecting their small list to drop everything and take action when less than 1% will do anything about the offer when the reality is they need to be doing daily follow multiple types of follow up every single day.

Now it's your time to invest in yourself, spend the next 100 days working on your business, and finally scale to 6+ figures in annual recurring revenue.

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Funnel LLC is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Facebook, Instagram or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official Facebook website can be found at https://Facebook.com. The official Instagram website can be found at https://Instagram.com. The name “Facebook” and "Instagram" as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of Facebook Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are results from Funnel LLC and/or it’s associates, employees, affiliate, partners, sponsors, contractors, or anyone else working directly or indirectly with Funnel LLC, herein referred to as “Company”. These results are not typical, we’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter)

The average person who buys any “how to” information, coaching, mentorship, and even done-for-you gets little to no results. Company is using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, work ethic, education, business model, market forces beyond your control and your ability to pivot effectively with the consistently changing market conditions. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action, therefor when you invest time, money, energy, resources or any other form of currency you're never guaranteed any type of positive return on your investment. We do not make any claims of your earnings, return on investment claims and you may never make your money back or the value of the other resources and currencies you invested

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